Before Culrivation.
At the base is five tractor loads of compost per acre or one tractor load of manure.
3 The third day
One liter of Pseudomonas can be sprayed per acre of cut sugarcane (for juniper only)
Multi grain sowing - Nutrient and weed control
15th day
Jivamirtham can apply 200 liters per acre of soil for planting and cuttings.
30th day
Cumic can be given 2 liters per acre of land. + One liter can be mixed with Pseudomonas and given with affection.
45th day
Fish acid can give 3 liters of ground per acre.
60th day
EM one liter + one liter Pseudomonas can give ground to acre.
When converting - 2 tractors load of manure loaded manure can be given
75th day
Two liters of fish acid can give way to turf.
90th day
Worm can give one liter + one liter Pseudomonas ground way.
Day 105
Panchakavya can give three liters of land per acre.
Day 120
Jivamirtham can give 200 liters of ground.
Anemia peeling - can be fed with compost. Pseudomonas or Trichoderma viride can be applied at the rate of one liter or two kg per acre. Mix 50 ml of Metarhizium per ten liters of water and spray.
Day 135
Cumic can give 3 liters of ground.
150th day
Three liters of fish acid + one liter of potash bacteria + 2 liters of phosphobacteria can give ground.
165th day
EM can give 2 liters ground way.
180th day
Two liters of fish acid + 1 liter of potash bacteria + 2 lit phosphobacteria can lead to ground.
Mix 50 ml of Metarhizium per 10 liters of water and spray.
195th day
Worm one liter + Pseudomonas can be given per acre with one liter of ground irrigation.
210th day
Panchakavya give three liters + one liter of potash bacteria + 2 liters of phosphobacteria ground data. Spray 50 ml of Metarhizium per 10 liters of water or build up a parasite cover.
Day 225
Jivamirtham 200 liters + one liter of potash bacteria + 2 liters of phosphobacteria can give ground way per acre.
240th day
Cumic can be applied at the rate of 5 liters per hectare of land per acre.
255th day
Fish acid can give three whites + one liter of potash bacteria + two liters of phosphobacteria ground way.
270th day
EM 2 liters + 2 liters of potash bacteria + one liter of phosphobacteria can give ground way per acre.
Spray 50 ml of Metarhizium per 10 liters of water or build up a parasite cover.
285th day
Two liters of fish acid + one liter of phosphobacteria + one liter of potash mobilizer can give way to the ground.
300 day fish acid
Apply 3 liters of ground water. Spray 50 ml of Metarhizium per 10 liters of water or apply parasite cover.
315th day
Panchakavya can give three liters + 2 liters of potash bacteria ground way.
If necessary Day 330
Jivamirtham can give 200 liters of ground.
Between these days
Even when watering, the acid solution can be mixed with water to fertilize the soil. Adjust this table to suit the crop in the shortest days.