
Hydroponics is a farming technique that ensure less than 80% less water than primitive agriculture, and yet water is what it relies on. Instead of soil. How can hydroponics revolutioning the way we farm in the living 21st century?

What is Hydroponics ?

 Hydroponics does not completely depends on soil. Instead of growing in the land of fields, the plants are placed to sink circulating rich in nutrient water. The nutrient content in the water is adapted to the plants needs by changing the nutrient formula. We can grow almost any plants in hydroponics, all while using 30 times less inputs than primitive agriculture.

How Hydroponics Works


Why’s this System and What its Advantages ?

        Agriculture flood, Irrigation and large fields loses water to simple evaporation, Evapo transpiration, run off  and dispersion beyond the reach of plant roots. But, even in best drip irrigation. Only cuts flood irrigation losses for about 1/3, nothing even close to hydroponics and the second resource that is used much more effectively is space because all that plants need is provided and maintained in the system. And since the plant roots don’t have to expand in search for nutrients and oxygen, you can grow your crops much closer to each other. In hydroponics, the unnecessity for extensive root growth also gives the plant the opportunity to invest more of its energy into growth above ground, giving you a bigger harvest. In other yield, increasing factor is the lack of pests and diseases. Many diseases are soil borne, air borne so many organisms that potentially feed on the plant. The problem removing weeds also became a major threat in primitive agriculture soil based agriculture. Since weeds easily passed an plant, diseases are heavily reduced. There are fewer chemicals used than the traditional agriculture. This helps you grow cleaner and healthier foods. The cut of insecticide, herbicide’s and fungicides is a strong advantages in hydroponics.

        In hydroponics, you can grow each crop continuously all year round. By establishing a decentralised network of local hydroponic farms, you can grow everything locally and with a unique, eliminating the need to import many fruits and vegetables from far away countries. Easily produced and export to forgein is no big deal in hydroponics. It gives us the opportunity to reduce logistics costs. And this helps fight climate change. No aeroplane and ships. No CO2 through the saving of space farms can be placed inside urban areas and because of their effective water usage. Hydroponic systems are ideal for arid regions and sub arid zones like many Saharan countries and areas where water is scary. One special form of hydroponics is aquaponics which we should be dealt that in next session


Why not hydroponics used more or less exclusively in commercial farming?

      The initial investment for a large scale hydroponic operation, first you need to build the well settled facility. A large field that you can brings tonnes of water over is cheaper than building in bigger green houses, small decentralises system operations have a cost advantage here. They can be established in pre-existing spaces for little cost. We should must have technical knowledge to bring over to built a structure in addition that the experience plays a vital in this, if it a waterborne disease doesn’t make it into the system, it spreads much quicker in water than in soil or if the pump malfunctions and stops the circulation, all raising the need for tighter quality control and not all crops can be grown successfully in Hydroponics. Some root vegetables such as beetroot, carrot and radish do better in primitive agriculture, so there is still a lot to learn and to improve. But one thing is clear. Hydroponics is a very big opportunity for us to change farming system in the 21st century.

Working of Hydroponics

                The Hydroponics is the plants are placed in the substrate bin like structure which are filled by the medium such as mulching agents and cocopeat with some stones and gravels to hold the stem and roots. These bins are placed in the holes in the tray which has already drilled. When the plant has reached its maturity it has been collected and the bins were ready to for next year seedling transplant practices. In between that we have to provide a sufficient temperature, nutrient solutions should be recycling water and to be reused, and the nutrients are must added to water regularly in the form of solutions to provide tracee mineral elements, crops should be monitor and electricity should be avail 24/7 for artificial light requirement in Photosynthesis. The pH should be optimized and the water pump is needed to carry the water from the container and should be return transported 


    In order to overcome issues such as these it is imp that aquaponics systems are installed professionally, and that those responsible gain information or assistance and are fully aware of the systems expectations and function.

         Aquaponics is the way to go, but you don’t need to build a farm to get started in aquaponics if you are not the DIY type.

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