Why the Cow's Needs a Shed ?
If it is natural focus to be outside unfortunately this is not always possible weather conditions like tropical heat strong wind and rain or even snow create the need for shelter. Good quality feed is always available under roof it’s depending on human interaction. Every group needs different ratio for optimal growth and production for example require limited access to milk and feed for good growth and development.
Model Design |
Things to be consider for Designing Cow Shed
Soil, Availability of land, Drainage system, Availability of water, Electricity, Protection from wind and solar radiation, Protection from noise and other disturbance, Transport facility, Availability of market facility,
Care and Management
Milking cows require and average 45 to 50 kg feed per day this needs to be available day and night. So feeds has to be distributed and pushed frequently. One single cover needs approximately 200 litre fresh water per day and she should lie down at least 12 hours per day. So, She should be comfortable and clean.
Use of AI Robots in a Design
Cleaning Robots
Cows determine themselves when they want to be milk. The Milking Robot attracts the cow and they recognise when the enters some cows needs more time in having feed when they are being milked and dry cows don’t visit the milking robots at all. therefore, individual feeders ensure that every cow get feed as their need is normal. During the day time floor get dirtier and it needs to be cleaned frequently to prevent hygiene related health issues. So washing and caring for the who helps keeping whose healthy.
Cow house can be further enhanced by the right skincare. Brushing the skin enhances the blood circulation which leads to more relaxed cows. If cows need medical treatment the treatment box and enhances the safety of both farmer and cow.
Ensure of Relaxation
Lactating cows perform optimally with 16 hours light in a day during the dark days artificial light mimics the longer summer days even in the most comfortable shed it’s good that cause can graze outside when condition allow this.
An Simple Design
A selection get communicates directly with the milking robots to determine which cow is allowed to go outside. A wind turbine can enhance the profitability of the firm and helping the firm to be self sufficient and sustainable.
Farmers improve animal health, Reproduction, Feeding and milking with all the available information which is supported by the one management system. With the best advice and right path, cleaning and caring for the product, farmers can rest assured that their equipments will remain easy to use, efficient and long lasting. Farm Management Advisors help farmers to optimise their business and results. All the products makes life of farmers easier. Their business is more successful than operations, are more sustainable and create bright future for them.